Understanding Obesity

Obesity is a serious and common health issue that was misunderstood for a very long time. In fact, the American Medical Association did not recognize it as a disease until 2013! In the years since, much more has been learned about this chronic disease and how to treat it. Let’s start out by defining obesity.
What is obesity?
If a person’s weight is more than what’s considered healthy based on their height, it’s classified as overweight or obesity. A person’s body mass index (BMI) is used as a screening tool for overweight and obesity.
Adults with a BMI of 30 or higher are considered to have obesity. You can determine your BMI by using the BMI Calculator below.
What causes obesity?
Obesity rarely has a single cause. However, a number of factors may contribute to its development, including:


Certain diseases and medications

An unhealthy

Community environment

Lack of physical activity

How is obesity addressed?
Two of the most common approaches people use to combat obesity are:
Learn more about changes you can start making in these key areas here. In addition, you should also try to:
If making lifestyle changes is not helping you reach your weight-loss goals, your health care provider may recommend a prescription medication.