Weight Management Tools

In order to succeed at any task, you need the right tools, and weight management is no exception. Use these tools to find out more about if Wegovy® may be right for you and to have an informed conversation with your health care provider about it.

Determine your BMI

Calculating your BMI (body mass index) is one of the first steps you’ll want to take before talking to your health care provider about Wegovy®. If you’re an adult with obesity (BMI ≥30) or overweight (excess weight) (BMI ≥27) and weight-related medical problems, ask your health care provider about Wegovy®. You can calculate your BMI below.
One of your first steps toward finally losing weight and keeping it off may be to speak with an obesity care provider. Enter your zip code in the field below to find one near you.

The contact information for these health care providers is provided as a courtesy, and it is not intended as an endorsement or recommendation of any physician. Novo Nordisk does not make any representations or guarantees about the qualifications, competence, or skills of any health care provider, the accuracy of any diagnosis, or the appropriateness of any treatment that a health care provider may prescribe or recommend. Patients should make their own, independent decisions regarding the capabilities and suitability of potential health care providers, and Novo Nordisk does not play a role in any patient-provider relationship you may establish.

Get a Weight Exploration Report

?Once you’ve found an obesity care provider, you can use this interactive tool to generate a report to share with him or her during your visit. Just answer a few questions and you’ll get an overview of your past weight-management efforts that can help your health care provider create a personalized action plan for you.

Get the Wegovy® Patient Brochure

The Wegovy® Patient Brochure can help you learn more about weight-management treatment with Wegovy®, including:
  • Why it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off
  • How Wegovy® works
  • Results patients have seen with the help of Wegovy®
  • What losing 5%, 10%, or 15% of your body weight would mean
  • How losing weight with Wegovy® could impact weight-related conditions
  • The once-weekly Wegovy® pen
  • Common side effects of Wegovy®
  • The WeGoTogether® support program
  • Saving on Wegovy®

Get the Weight-Management Conversation Guide

Your health care provider is a medical expert, but you are the expert on your own experience. That’s why it’s important to form a strong partnership. Use the Weight-Management Conversation Guide to help you:
  • Learn ways to communicate clearly with your health care provider
  • Decide what you want to share during your next appointment
  • Make a list of questions you have about your treatment
  • Get tips to help you keep the conversation on track